Minggu, 21 September 2008

reality strikes back

this early morning, i've tried to deny the reality for i don't know how many times..
pretending that i am in different situation..
that he is someone that he is not...
and we live in a different world and not the real one..
i am trying not to care for others but me..
yes, i am being selfish as always..

but tonight the reality strikes again..
and make me realize that even how hard you've try to deny the reality..
it is still a reality..
reality, something that is real..
and it's ready to hits you when whenever you are not alert of it..
at your most unprepared moment..

today, reality wins from imaginer, K.O.

but hey, i am still learning to be a grown up..
i will be fine..
and i believe you will too..

welcome to this world.. the heartfruit of my love..

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