Sabtu, 29 Maret 2008

mood swing

I got struck by a mood swing..
my mood keep swinging..
from the left to the right..
and from the right back to the left..

there are lots of possibility of causes..

maybe because yesterday I woke up with my left foot first (alias bangun dengan kaki kiri)..
this term is popularized by my dear friend.
she said that this will make you have a bad mood all day..

maybe because of the heat…
yes, the whether is really really hot..
and a shower seems not able to alleviate it..
well, a shower do feels like a sauna..

or maybe because I’m having my period..
but usually people got moody before their period, right?
so, why now..

I am easily got annoyed,
I am easily got insulted,
I am easily got irritated,
I am easily got angered,

especially with what you did last night.
and when you give erroneous explanations,
and when you give ridiculous and bizarre examples,
and finally, when you give a shocking statement.

why do you make everything so difficult, and complex..

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